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0 km breakfast

0 km breakfast

Trentino breakfast? If they tell you it is like breakfast anywhere else, don't believe it. Taste it at a 0 km bed & breakfast like Garnì Lilly. You'll come back next year too!

Breakfast is one of the pillars of a holiday at Garnì Lilly, as is Mamma Lory. She takes care of it every day, preparing fresh cakes and desserts every morning. Could that be why her children come to breakfast every morning?!

Here is what you will find on the table every morning:
  • different types of fresh bread from an artisanal baker in San Lorenzo (whole grain, multi-grain, rye, and white)
  • eggs only from small, local growers
  • sliced meats and cheeses
  • two types of jams made with fruit from Trentino
  • cereals and dried fruits and nuts

Upon request we provide products for celiacs. For organizational purposes, please let us know when booking.
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